Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) '21


Irresponsible agriculture based on monocultures is causing exploitation and irreparable damage to the environment and its ecosystems. Many organic food farmers suffer and find it impossible to maintain their businesses due to their almost non-existent remuneration, because the low demand and high sales prices make the business unprofitable which causes high rates of chronic global malnutrition and hunger.


Novu gives value to responsible agriculture, consequently increasing the value of the farmer's products. It lowers the level of malnutrition and generates opportunities both in education and in the environmental impact, since the producer benefits from this sustainable agriculture, the consumer purchases quality products and directly helps the farmer. At the same time, sustainable tourism injects capital and helps consumers understand the value of what is harvested under environmental care.

Main Beneficiaries:

The first beneficiary is NATURE, as the WWF living planet 2020report, states that in the last 50 years our world has transformed with a huge cost on nature ant the stability of the Earth's operating systems that sustain us. The second beneficiary would be the organic farmers that exist at the moment worldwide plus all that will follow because of the positive impact on cost effectiveness of the business that will help with malnutrition rates and soil recovery. The third beneficiary would be the cosumer, who participates in economic reactivation and helps the planet and people by eating healthy, chemical free food.


Execution and validation


GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) '21