Ecomarket: agroecological market for food sovereignty

Tec de Monterrey (México) '21


La Trinitaria is one of the regions with the most poverty in Chiapas. The poverty index shows that a great number of the jobs have low remuneration and the labor conditions of the community do not allow them to have access to better life opportunities such as education, health and social security. Family members have already started with the production of their own food to satisfy their own needs, but now they are looking to commercialize it to increase their incomes in a fair trade model.


Creation of an ecomarket to help producers from the region to distribute and sell their agroecological products. This place will be also used as an opportunity to integrate generations to promote social inclusion and teach about this agroecological techniques, encouraging the unity of the community in a social and economical way.

Main Beneficiaries:

The main beneficiaries will be the producer families that integrate the cooperative Lagos de Colores, which are more than 50 families, located in the municipality La Trinitaria in Chiapas, Mexico.


Execution and validation


GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Tec de Monterrey (México) '21