
Tec de Monterrey (México) '21


The adult members of the cooperative L.D.C. act acording to foundations like: cooperativism, work value, equality, care for Mother Earth, food sovereignty and local economy. The new generations have a desinterest and disconnection with this foundations due to the inadequate educational infrastructure which causes a network of problems (like the emmigration, drug addiction, alcoholism and crime) stemming from the lack of intergenerational interaction, the devaluation of work and unfair trade.


Our idea reduces the new generation's desintegration and promotes horizontal and intergenerational communication through: 1. A youth and children's formative center focused on agroecological education and adjustable to the students' needs and choices for activities; 2. Knowledge chain: Adult people will transmit their wisdom and ancestral techniques to the youth through practical experiences.

Main Beneficiaries:

The childhood and youth that are part of the cooperative Lagos de Colores (L.D.C.), a community that produces organic coffee and honey as the main economic activities, located in Tziscao Chiapas. This cooperative is composed by aproximately 30 families, but the idea is also thought for the children and young people that live in Tziscao, town that counts with 1939 habitants. This region is surrounded by one of the Montebello Lakes and counts with a diverse and rich biodiversity.


Execution and validation


GOAL 4: Quality Education

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities


Tec de Monterrey (México) '21