Limphuy water

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)


The problem we want to solve is the excess of plastic bottle waste and water contamination. We all believe that the solution to this problem of plastic bottle contamination is reusable bottles. Still, we don’t take into consideration the people who don’t have access to pure water and do not like to consume water all the time, and they end up buying other commercial beverage products packed with plastic bottles.


The solution that we found as a group is to build a bottle with the capacity to purify water through a filter that eliminates pathogens, solids (metals), and chemicals (Chlorine). Our goal is to make pure water according to consumer preferences. Additionally, the filter has the ability to change the water with the different flavors we propose. As we already explained the problem, this product seeks to reduce the consumption of bottles, in production we look for environmentally friendly materials

Main Beneficiaries:

The people who don't have access to pure water and people that search for new innovations or healthy beverage substitutes. Also all the people involucrated in the development of the product and distribution.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being


Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)