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Malnutrition and hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean. Hunger and Malnutrition are one of the biggest problems that the region suffers from, which causes the community bigger problems like new generations having intellectual development problems that in a future is going to affect all the region.
Installation of autosustainable larvae farms in urban and rural zones that suffer from malnutrition in latin america. Four out of ten people in Latin america and Caribe suffered from food insecurity in 2020, 60 millon more than in 2019. Due to the lack of access to adecuate eating habits and the reduced income they perceive. This larvae farms help rural and urban families to have a new form of protein available in their zone at a low cost.
Main Beneficiaries:
Low income people that live in urban and rural zones, approximatedly ir affects to 267 millon of people in all Latin america and Caribe. Also for people that want to change their main protein ingest from meat to a more sustainable protein that is friendly with the enviroment.
Inspiration and ideation
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)