Qori in Pacha

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)


Nine out of ten Ecuadorian farmers are limited in achieving the desired profitability of their harvest, due to the practice of crop that has been sedentary and that doesn´t give space to new practices, nor does it have economic capacity to implement more sophisticated methods, this led to the lack of support from government agencies to the main producers of the Ecuadorian region.


The idea we have to solve this problem is to start with a collection of mini-investmenst and in the future it could be transformed into an investment fund, but for the moment we will work like this, then with the capital raised we will improve the methods that farmers use for their planting and harvesting, we will hire agronomists who will train on land care and on the types of seeds, finally we will acquire machinery to optimize the allocated spaces.

Main Beneficiaries:

Farming families will be the beneficiaries. In the case of Ecuador, Carmigniani, based on data from the 2001 National Agricultural Census, states that "it can be affirmed that Ecuadorian family agriculture is made up of 250,000 producers, 30% of the total, and they hace 4 millon hectares (33%) of the total agricultural area.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)