In the world there is a problem of soil degradation and demineralization. The 48% of soils suitable for agriculture are already eroded in Ecuador. The excessive use of agrochemicals and agro-fertilizers are the causes of this erosion/ degradation process. In addition, farmers use more chemicals to improve the productivity of the soil. Therefore, in the long term not only the soil would be destroyed but also the poverty around farmers will a rise.
By being easy to operate, the Vertical Anaerobic Reactors are designed according to the farmer’s reality. This technology transform the organic matter, into a sanitary way to obtain a biofertilizer that preserves the fertility and increases the productivity of soils. This biofertilizer can be a substitute for chemical fertilizers, in the long term not only the soil would be conserved, yet the farmer's income will increase and improves the rural sanitary system.
Main Beneficiaries:
Farmers will expend less in agro-fertilizers, the soil will be conserved and the productivity will increase in the long term, there would be a batter sanitary system, hence farmers will increase their earnings.
Inspiration and ideation
GOAL 15: Life on Land
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) '21