
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


In construction, when requesting quotes for materials/services, the process is not very structured, the first pain is the lack of points of contact between material suppliers, construction companies, contractors, creating a long, uncertain process (the answer can take days, weeks, or never arrive), which ends with crossed communications (e-mails, calls, messages), just to know where to acquire a material/service and its price, becoming more complex as the request becomes more personalized.


Search, quotation and purchase service for construction, where the user generates an "intelligent request" with the necessary information and labeled within a specialty for specific suppliers to receive it, eliminating search time for suppliers; they can reject or accept (maximum 18 hours) the request, and then send the quotation (maximum 48 hours), providing the possibility for the project team to follow the progress of the request, thus eliminating mail chains and many hours of work.

Main Beneficiaries:

Small and medium companies in the construction industry, from materials suppliers, specialty contractors, to construction companies), who are the least digitized, usually have a less defined structure, so they do not have rigid processes, which will allow us to be a great contribution to increase their efficiency, shortening times and giving them greater visibility, competitive power and boosting their growth. Team: Francisco Cartagena: fjcartagena@uc.cl Kelly Becerra: kjbecerra@uc.cl


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile