
Universidad Andrés Bello


The problem is divided in two principal points: The gradual and significant decrease of participation volunteer activities (mainly for misinformation) and the low interaction of the senior citizens (as other communities: university, professional, corporate) with foundations and non-profit institutions that offer volunteering or need people to support


The idea to solution that predominates from the others is Co-Actúa, a mobile and web digital platform. Focused on three important sectors: Environment, Animal and Community/Social. Its general objective is to make visible, connect and promote the voluntary action of the senior citizens in the foundations.

Main Beneficiaries:

People interested in social action of all ages, mainly young people and senior citizens. Non-profit institutions that will have a greater reach in their activities, in addition to being able to help more people.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being


Universidad Andrés Bello