
University of Miami (Miami Herbert Business School)


The recycling problem is a big environmental challenge in the U.S. and worldwide. Despite increased awareness in the last decade, only 35% of U.S. trash is recycled (The World Bank). Inconsistent recycling practices across states and globally make it harder to boost recycling rates. On college campuses, disposable items, especially plastic bottles, are a major part of recyclable waste due to easy disposal, unclear bin labels, and inconsistent recycling.


To promote college recycling globally, we propose proactive campus recycling centers. Students collect used plastic bottles and exchange them for cash. We bridge students and plastic collectors, offering 5-10 cents per bottle (per ETSUS). Students' motivation is high, and collectors establish weekly drop-off stations based on bottle quantity. This may strengthen the practice of proper recycling.

Main Beneficiaries:

In our supply chain, we'd sell collected plastic to existing collectors for profit. As the middlemen, we would be selling the plastic bottles we collect to said collectors for a profit. We'd begin by establishing stations at U.S. public universities, aiming to partner with universities nationwide for wider exposure. We'll use word of mouth, social media, and physical engagement for promotion, and scale up by hiring student ambassadors.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


University of Miami (Miami Herbert Business School)

- 10 months ago
Dear Sarah, We're so excited with your project submission. We'd love to connect with you to ensure you have everything you need. Best Cecilia Sanchez