Universidad de Costa Rica


Globally there is inefficiencies in medical record management, over 50% of elderly patients have incomplete or poorly managed medical histories. Causing for example the death of 10% of the population in the United States due to wrong diagnosis. Therefore the lack of a unified system for managing medical records is a critical challenge that leads to fragmented and inefficient care, especially for the elderly population.


SVF-Care proposes an innovative solution to address the inequality in healthcare for the elderly through a Universal Medical Record based on Blockchain and Advanced Analytics. This platform ensures the security and privacy of data through the immutability of medical information and allows for in-depth analysis to improve the quality of care. With key benefits such as equitable access to healthcare, effective coordination among health professionals, a consistent medical history, preventive teleme

Main Beneficiaries:

Our target market is the global population of individuals over 60 years old, seeking more accessible and preventive healthcare. We are witnessing an increasing demand for telemedicine, particularly driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our solution adds value in a market often characterized by fragmented healthcare. To gauge this market, we consider the expected doubling of the over-60 population from 1 to 2 billion by 2050, with an estimated market penetration of 10%. The feasibility depends on access to digital technologies, purchasing power, insurance coverage, and health regulations, varying significantly across regions.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Universidad de Costa Rica