
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Poultry industries generate considerable quantities of industrial liquid waste during the chicken slaughter process. These wastes must be treated according to established regulations before being discharged into the environment. During the treatment of liquid waste, a sludge is formed mainly composed of water, blood, animal fat and other organic waste, which is treated as garbage, and also costs companies money. The problem arises in how to efficiently manage this waste.


Our proposal consists of the gasification of biomass generated as waste in poultry industries. This process would allow us to produce synthesis gas, which can be used as an alternative to natural gas in the boilers of the poultry companies themselves. This solution will reduce the high costs associated with the treatment of wastewater and reduce emissions, while at the same time revaluing waste through the implementation of a circular economy.

Main Beneficiaries:

After speaking with several poultry companies (the beneficiaries) in Chile, Argentina and Ecuador, we have confirmed that all of them face the challenge of disposing of waste generated during the production process. This problem is not limited to these regions, but affects the poultry industry worldwide. The solution would therefore benefit many companies if it expands throughout the world. In the local case (Chile), it would benefit at least 7 animal processing plants.


Execution and validation


GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile