Tradición en manos locales

Universidad Andrés Bello


In recent years, artisans in different sectors of the country have been strongly affected by the social unrest, in addition to the impacts of the pandemic, which has significantly damaged their incomes. However, the problem faced by artisans is not new. The constant devaluation of their products is largely due to the lack of information about their production processes, the absence of knowledge about the stories behind their creations and the lack of knowledge about the materials used. When thei


Special recognition given to the craftsman or craftswoman who preserves the techniques and traditions without the need to introduce innovations in their work. This recognition confers a unique value that is reflected in the distinctive seal. This not only generates confidence in their work, but also confers an outstanding heritage value.

Main Beneficiaries:

This recognition will have a positive impact on artisans, communities and visitors. Promoting tourism and improving the community's economy.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality


Universidad Andrés Bello