
Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ


The lack of quality of sleep is a problem from which many people suffer, especially young adults and university students, due to several factors including the biological ones but essentially emotional and psychological factors.


Zerenity offers a consultation service directed at improving sleep hygiene. Our clients can get different services, from a free test to more complete plans. The test is a survey that brings together specific information from our client, then Zerenity provides a simple guide with recommendations on how to begin treating the sleep problem. The more complete plans include services that target sleep problems at the root such as sleep therapy and time-management courses, all tailored to our clients.

Main Beneficiaries:

The beneficiaries of our idea are mainly university students and young adults, but they could extend to anyone who has problems with their sleep. Studies carried out by the National Sleep Foundation found that 10% to 30% of the population have issues concerning their sleep, and this percentage can increase up to 60% in other samples, such as university students.


Execution and validation


GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ