Neuro Shield

Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ


In Ecuador between 2021 and 2022, approximately 5,000 robberies / robberies have been reported, this means that insecurity in our country is high. In addition, there is a lack of effective devices to combat crime. These devices can be very noticeable or have very simple functions, which are not enough to avoid danger.


Neuro Shield is a microchip, which will be installed on the arm. This has the objective of being controlled by neural signals to alert the authorities, protect our belongings and our integrity through a thought and without being detected. This idea arises to combat the great waves of crime present in our country.

Main Beneficiaries:

Our initiative is targeted towards both residents and tourists in Ecuador who are grappling with the prevalent crime issues in our nation. In particular, Neuro Shield is designed for individuals within the upper-middle class due to its innovative technology and diverse features, which naturally result in a higher price point. However, the ultimate aim is to combat poverty. Our primary focus will center on businessmen, doctors, lawyers, politicians, high-ranking professionals, and their families, particularly those residing or working in hazardous areas. Our primary mission is to safeguard their lives and possessions.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions


Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ