Dragon Tag

Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ


Our problem is time management. Through an arduous effort, our work team has managed to find a problem that usually goes unnoticed: the loss of time when entering places where identification is required, or when looking for the wallet to make a payment. It may be just a few minutes, but if this is done every time we do one of the previously mentioned activities, we have a great waste of time; time that could be spent on other and more productive activities. Thus, improving our time management.


That's where Dragon Tag comes in, an innovative solution that seeks to eliminate lines. Being an elegant accessory that you can wear permanently on your wrist, you will not have to make any effort to enter an access point or make payments; so you will stop wasting your time and you will be able to manage it better. This technology DOES NOT USE ELECTRICITY (in the wristband, only in the reading devices), so you will never have to worry about charging it. Be part of the change, join Dragon Tag.

Main Beneficiaries:

At first, students and the administratives. We also project to reach customers such as companies and different companies and institutes.


Execution and validation


GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ