Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ


In the real estate market, there are challenges when selling a home. The most significant issue is the lack of personalization for the user. Buyers want to visualize their home before making a purchasing decision.


The solution to this problem lies in the implementation of virtual reality technology, which would allow buyers to take 3D virtual tours of properties, as well as customize interior designs in real time.

Main Beneficiaries:

We would start by offering the service at the Ecuadorian level, which would mean focusing the project within the province of Guayas (the province with the largest real estate market). Therefore, starting our venture within this province would represent a total of 1071 potential clients. In addition, we add to this the fact that there are 31 large real estate construction companies nationwide, so in total, we are talking about 1101 potential clients.


Inspiration and ideation


GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

GOAL 4: Quality Education


Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ