Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ


Small farmers in the Píllaro canton struggle to maximize their profits due to operating in a perfect competition market where many farmers in the region produce the same goods. Additionally, their profits are constrained as they often have to rely on intermediaries, who are sometimes corrupt, to market their products. A significant portion of their earnings is directed towards these intermediaries.


Given the difficulty or impossibility of eliminating intermediaries, the solution focuses on improving this service through our company. We have specially equipped trucks to cover distribution routes from Píllaro to various parts of the country, ensuring the quality of products during transportation. We guarantee pre-agreed prices and legal security. With the aim of generating profits for us and helping farmers maintain their income, we offer an organic waste-based pesticide, positively impactin

Main Beneficiaries:

The solution benefits farmers in Píllaro, helping them earn more money and achieve greater financial stability. Hundreds of local farmers will directly benefit. It also improves the economy in Píllaro, indirectly benefiting thousands of residents. Our entrepreneurship and its collaborators benefit by creating economic opportunities through improved distribution services and organic pesticides. By collaborating with supermarkets and markets, we extend these benefits to more people. Furthermore, as we expand to other areas, our goal is to bring these benefits to more communities and farmers.


Execution and validation


GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities


Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ